Video Gamers Have Less PE?

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Have you ever heard those video gamers are more likely not to experience premature ejaculation? Evidence shows that video gamers do not experience premature ejaculation. Here’s what we know about the connection between PE and video games.

Nearly every man has had to deal with premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. If it has happened yet, do not celebrate, however, you might not be out of the woods yet. For some men, premature ejaculation is something that occurs suddenly and then disappears almost immediately.

As such, they don?t have much to worry about it. Perhaps the only thing they worry about is its reoccurrence. Unfortunately for others, the sexual dysfunction can last long and as such, cause them a wide array of complications.

About 30 percent of men usually experience PE at some point in their life. Approximately 15-18 percent of the victims report struggling with lifelong PE problems. The most disturbing fact is that 69.5 percent of these men prefer to suffer in silence rather than seek medical attention.

Out of the remaining 30.5 percent, less than 70 percent seek help via the Internet ? perhaps due to the need for anonymity. 50 percent of the men who suffer premature ejaculation are convinced that it is psychologically motivated.

43 percent of the men who speak out their problem believe that stress is the primary cause. These are just some of the facts associated with premature ejaculation.

However, you are mistaken if you think you have heard enough about PE. It turns out; video games experience PE less often compared to those who don?t play at all. How true is this?

What is the link between video gaming and premature ejaculation? These questions are worth our attention seeing that as many as 1.2 billion across the world play video games annually.

Recently, a new study was performed that focused on finding the connection between video gaming and PE. It was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The study involved 396 Italian men aged between 18 and 50. Respondents were asked questions surrounding their erectile function, gaming habits as well as their general lifestyle choices.

The researchers concluded that men who play video games daily for at least one hour exhibited fewer chances of suffering from premature ejaculation compared to those who don’t play. The researchers also deduced that men who play video games experience decreased sex drive.

They were not able to determine the correlation between video games and the sex lives of men. Therefore, their conclusions were purely based on speculations. For instance, they speculated that reduced libido in video games might have something to do with the overstimulation of dopamine.

Dopamine is a pleasure hormone which a man releases when he is having an orgasm and also during video games. Due to the enormous amounts of dopamine released while playing video games, men become tolerant to the hormone and in turn leading to reduced interest in sexual intercourse.

Dr. Andrea Sansone, the lead researcher, equated video games to physical exercises as far as the user is concerned. He warned that, just like physical exercise, video games would only deliver beneficial effects on your sex life if used occasionally.

If the player abuses it and decides to ignore the line between occasional playing and addiction, he will undoubtedly face the consequences. Andrea clarified that his team is just in the beginning phase of the research. He holds on to hope that one day they will generate more significant findings.

Add-on - Video Gamers Have Less PE?

A lot is said about the effects of video gaming addiction. Several correlations have been sought in a bid to help people lead a healthy lifestyle.

One such correlation is between video gaming and sexual health. For a long time, the scientists lacked any relationship between video gaming and sexual health ? until recently.

A research study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed a direct relationship between video gaming and premature ejaculation. The researchers interviewed 396 men of Italian origin aged between 18 and 50.

Apparently, the research respondents who played video games an hour per day showed a less probability of suffering from premature ejaculation compared to those who don?t play video games.

However, if video gamers think that they are safe, here is some bad news. They run the risk of experiencing a reduced sex drive. The researchers attributed this to too much stress associated with playing video games.

Hope you enjoy reading "Video Gamers Have Less PE?" :)