Let’s Look What Ejaculation Problems Can Bother You?

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Men are afraid to get affected by ejaculation problems, and almost every man is looking to understand different ejaculation problems that they can face. So, let’s have a look because we have found some ejaculation problems that can bother men.

No man ever wants to imagine that he can experience sexual health problems. Sadly, life does not always give us what we want. Sexual organs are sensitive as well as complex and there are many things which we unknowingly do and later they lead to complications. The major problem is that sex education doesn’t make its way in the early stages of education. By the time you could opt for the subjects dealing with sex education, things have already become complex and you then have to look for the solutions.

Challenges are part and parcel of this life, and the only thing we can do is to brace ourselves and then do everything possible to wither the storm. Besides, who promised a smooth kind of life? No one did.

When it comes to matters of sexual health, one common problem has to do with a man’s ejaculation. It is imperative to be knowledgeable of issues surrounding your ejaculation to help you know what to do if ever a problem arises.

Generally, people bother about premature ejaculation when it actually occurs on a frequent basis. This is the stage when you only search for the cure and you find no time to investigate the cause. It is important to note that all types of cures are not for everyone.

The recommendation of the right type of cure depends on the root cause of the problem. The mistake people often commit is that they tend to follow the general rule of thumb. Some cures work for specific individuals but not for all. To find the right cure for yourself, you need to find the root cause of your problem.

In this post, we consider the various ejaculation problems you may face.

Premature ejaculation

It is a situation where a guy lacks control over his ejaculation. In this instance, he releases the seminal fluid sooner than he wishes. You are likely to be diagnosed with this sexual condition if you usually ejaculate within two minutes or less of sexual penetration.

Unfortunately, some men with severe cases ejaculate even before penetration takes place. It is one of the most humiliating forms of sexual dysfunction and victims tend to avoid sex as much as possible.

Premature ejaculation has no known specific cause. Many experts blame it on both psychological and physical factors. Psychological reasons for PE include things such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Guilt and mental trauma from past actions, even way back from childhood are also potential culprits.

A man involved in an unhealthy relationship may also experience premature ejaculation. Physical causes include health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease and problems with the prostate. Side effects of certain medicines such as antidepressants may also lead to premature ejaculation.

Luckily, premature ejaculation is treatable. Your doctor may recommend prescription drugs, PE supplements or several sessions with a sex therapist or professional counselor.

The right treatment is dependent on several factors among them the cause of your PE. Do not self-prescribe. Talk to your doctor if you suspect that you have premature ejaculation. He will help you chart the way forward based on the information available about your sexual and medical history.

Delayed ejaculation

You have delayed ejaculation if you experience difficulties reaching orgasm and releasing semen. If after 30 minutes of penetrative sex you cannot ejaculate semen, you are potentially staring at delayed ejaculation. Just like PE, DE is also caused by physical and psychological elements.

Sadly, delayed ejaculation may result in low self-esteem due to the nagging feelings of inadequacy and failure, as well as the resulting negative energy.

Since they are afraid of failing and in turn getting embarrassed, individuals with premature ejaculation prefer to avoid sex altogether.

Delayed ejaculation may also lead to other problems such as male infertility, reduced sexual pleasure, decreased sex drive, stress and anxiety about sexual intercourse.

Irrespective of the severity of your condition, do not suffer in silence. Treatments are available. By speaking out, you will receive the psychological and physical support that you desperately need at the moment. Do not worry; delayed ejaculation is not the end of the world.

Add-on - Let’s Look What Ejaculation Problems Can Bother You?

Most of the times, men only worry about erection problems. Ask a number of them and they will tell you that the thing they dread most is the day they will be unable to obtain and maintain an erection.

The majority of them hardly think about their ejaculatory control. As such, when ejaculation problems arise, they are caught off guard.

A man can suffer from two types of ejaculation problems, namely premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation. PE is said to occur when a guy ejaculates involuntarily.

You?ll know that your case is severe if you can?t hold the ejaculate two minutes or less of penetration. Some of the causes of premature ejaculation are psychological problems, weak pelvic floor muscles, and hormonal instability.

Delayed ejaculation is a situation where a person takes too long to ejaculate during sex or masturbation. It is also known as impaired ejaculation and at times, the guy doesn’t ejaculate at all.

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