5 Foods That Will Boost Your Sexual Stamina

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  1. Watermelons

Watermelon doesn't only tastes juicy but is refreshing after a long, hard day. But the bright red fleshy fruit also supports your sexual endurance.

What then, makes it so powerful? The high citrulline concentration converts the fruit into an aphrodisiac. This amino acid converts to L-arginine while in your body.

And L-arginine waste no time in producing large volumes of nitric oxide that dilates your penis veins. The expanded blood path results in the hardening of your penis.

The juicy liquid in watermelon is a natural Viagra. It increases sexual desire in men suffering from libido complications.

Several research papers note that watermelon triggers the sexual urge in men. It brings the same effect as Viagra. Yet it doesn't show any side effects.

But not all variants of this fruit have the same citrulline. The yellow or orange ones have better quality juice to resolve sex endurance issues.

Further, it's the rind that has the highest amino acid volume.  

  1. Meat

Beef isn't an apparent libido-enhancing diet, but it contains vital components to spark your passion. And now that you know, you have another reason to eat meat.

Beef contains saturated fat, which is an essential ingredient of building testosterone. Further, it has high levels of zinc, which also aids fertility.

Meat and mutton have niacin and proteins. These are vital for stimulating low libido.

Vitamin B6 and iron found in steak, enhance your sex drive and blood flow, respectively. These factors are vital when you want to get busy between the sheets.  

A study published by the Journal of Sexual Medicine details the benefits of eating steak. It states that niacin can reignite the sexual urge. A three-ounce of steak make up to a third of the recommended daily intake.

But you should look out for one critical issue. The meat should come from grass-fed cows. Meats from cows fed with processed animal feeds don't make the mark.

  1. Cayenne pepper

And how about adding some tinge into your meat? The red hot chili can inflame your tongue. But did you know that it also sets your groins on fire?

Try eating this pepper to trigger a throbbing heart and inflame your pants. The fruit is rich in capsaicin, which releases feel-good endorphins besides spiking your sexual desire.

The inflammatory substance in the pepper can rev up your metabolism. Besides, it invigorates not only the sensory system but also your sexual ones.

Adding capsaicin and other hot spices in your meals ensure that you respond quickly to sexual stimulation. Further, the heat generated triggers a heightened sexual desire as well as staying power.

While men last between three to ten minutes, women prefer sex to stay a further ten minutes. So how do you prolong this duration?

Eating chili keeps you racing for more sexual excitement. Capsaicin ensures that you stay erect for long.  

  1. Apple

What is it with an apple? It doesn't just keep the doctor away. It can also sustain you longer in bed.

The magic within the humble apple fruit is the quercetin. The antioxidant helps ease symptoms of low libido.

Quercetin in apple helps to develop more cells and enhance their longevity. It does this by preventing oxidation that ravages new cells. And the longer the body cells live, the stronger you get. Consider it as the building block of your organs.

The penis gains firmness with robust cells, thanks to the power of quercetin. But what else does this compound do? Well, it maximizes the use of available oxygen in your system. This process helps to produce more cortisone.

And adequate quantities of cortisone results in muscle breakdown. It provides greater endurance in all physical activities, including sex.

And all these are due to the potent properties of quercetin in apples. Just remember to munch on your apple before a romp.

  1. Eggs

Eating eggs in whatever form is helpful to your libido. It doesn't matter whether your boil, scramble or fry them.

Eggs contain vitamins A, B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6. They also have sizeable quantities of selenium.

Other contents found in eggs include potassium, manganese, vitamin E, iron, and zinc. These compounds ensure that eggs improve your cholesterol level, without risking your heart.

Good cholesterol is essential for the development of new cells. Your body requires about 21 different amino acids to function well. But it can only secrete 12, while the rest comes from diets. Eggs are one of the scarce sources for the remaining minerals.

Eggs also balance hormones, thus making you agile in bed. What's more, eggs help in weight management. A study found that taking eggs for breakfast help to lower body fat in obese women.

Yet eggs are also full of lutein and zeaxanthin. These are vital for retina improvement. This helps to restore your vision and glare.