5 Tips On How To Treat Premature Ejaculation Naturally At Home

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  1. Get rid of substances that cause it in the first place

You don’t have to always attend very expensive therapies to treat premature ejaculation; you can do certain things at home all by yourself, too. One sure-fire thing that actually encompasses a lot of things all at the same time is getting rid of harmful substances in your home that cause premature ejaculation in the first place. Although you may not always have all of these things at the same time, we’re just letting you know what these substances are: tobacco, drugs (even proper medication), and heavy-fat food items.

As you can see, all of these substances are things to go inside your system. They can easily wreak havoc in your body to cause either erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. At any rate, it simply isn’t fun when you have one of them. So, get rid of them as best you can in the way that suits you.

  1. Masturbate regularly

If you aren’t keen on taking medication for premature ejaculation and are aware that your case is mild, you surely can treat premature ejaculation yourself with proper discipline and motivation. The funny thing is, one way you can alleviate symptoms of premature ejaculation is by masturbating regularly. No, we aren’t talking about turning you into a maniac who watches porn every day and masturbate. But you can’t deny that regular and healthy masturbation can diminish oversensitivity on your sexual organ.

The more you do this within the range of what’s comfortable for you and you’re still able to engage in sex with another person, the better you will become at holding back your urge to ejaculate too quickly. Consider masturbation as a healthy and respectful me-time of yours. There’s no need to be ashamed of masturbation because it is very normal and actually does offer a plethora of health benefits.

  1. Get yourself physically active

You need to also allow your body to get plenty of movement in order to prevent premature ejaculation from afflicting you over and over again. Physical activity for the body is very important but it seems like many people overlook this importance. You need to get yourself to be active on a daily basis even if only lightly. In fact, light exercises that are done regularly are even better than heavy exercises like those you can only do at the gym.

The most important thing is that you get physically active and give your muscles time to stretch. Even something as simple as walking is a cardio exercise. You are recommended to walk at least 30 minutes a day. If you are only starting, you can even do 10 and after you get used to having more movement can you then increase the amount of time you spend on getting yourself fit.

  1. Make your own healthy ginseng soup

Something fun yet relaxing you can do at home to treat your premature ejaculation involves cooking. Are you aware of how good of a habit cooking your own meal is? You definitely have better control over the quality of the ingredients and the kinds of stuff you want to put in there. In order to alleviate symptoms of premature ejaculation, one good dish to make at home is red ginseng soup.

Ginseng is a root plant that is easy to find in Asia. Given, it is not the cheapest thing on the planet, but all good things must come with a good price. You can make your own ginseng soup by simply boiling the ginseng root in water and you can add a lot of other herbs and spices for flavouring.

Although chicken meat is a favourite in many ginseng soups, if you can, try to substitute chicken for mushrooms instead.

  1. Drink the recommended daily intake of water

Something simple you can do at not just home, but literally everywhere you go is drink water. It’s such a simple thing that you may overlook the health benefits of doing so. A dehydrated body will quickly become sick and your cells will also lack the capacity to regenerate itself quickly. Energy levels will also tend to score lower when you are dehydrated, so fatigue could be rearing its ugly head. Both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation could often be a result of terribly low energy levels, so drinking plenty of water daily is a good way to combat them.

An average adult man should drink at least 2 litres of water daily—and that's the minimum. Liquid can be obtained not just from water, but from other liquid-y food sources as well. Soups, stews, and fruits are examples of foods that contain a lot of water.